


Material and Reliability Testing

EVERKE Materials and Reliability Laboratory is dedicated to providing customers with reliability tests such as environmental reliability tests, mechanical reliability tests, life tests, special tests and field use tests to determine, verify or improve product reliability.

The test program includes

■  Environmental reliability test:

UV xenon lamps, metal halide lamps, carbon arc lamps, high temperature, low temperature, constant humidity and heat, alternating humidity and heat, temperature cycling, cold and heat shock, rapid temperature change, condensation, salt spray, corrosive gases, ozone, blowing dust, floating dust, rain, water spray, immersion, high-pressure steam jet, ice and water shock.

■  Mechanical reliability test:

Sine vibration, random vibration, sine superimposed on random, random superimposed on sine, random superimposed on random, half-sine, square wave, triangle wave, free fall, micro-fall, roller fall, inclined impact, straight pressure, holding pressure, etc..

Testing equipment

Material and Reliability Testing


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Previous:Toys/Stationery Testing2023-06-29
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